Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Monday, July 29, 2013

1 Secret they don't want you to know.

  Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. First and foremost I wanted to talk to you about Attraction Marketing. There are different ways to attract people to your business but there is a secret technique you should know about. What is the secret technique that top earners charge $500 a training session to teach? I must warn you what I am about to show you is valuable information and must be shared only with your closest associates. Other online marketers will hate me for revealing this secret, but I don't care because I don't feel like you should be cheated out of your hard earned money to be taught something you already know. Are you ready for the secret?

  The Secret to attraction marketing is to be yourself. That's right be yourself. People can sense when you are being fake and trying to copy someone else, it just shows all up in your facial expressions and voice and mannerisms. When you tell people about yourself and your likes and things that make you happy in life, it in turn attracts them to you. Also it may even attract them to your business opportunity. Let me give you an example. Jim is on the market for a new truck. As he visits different car dealerships, guess who he spots at the dealership? Greg, a former high school classmate and friend of his. Other car salesmen are approaching Jim trying to get him to buy from them, but Jim's attention is focused on Greg. Who will Jim buy his new truck from? You guessed it, Greg. You have just witnessed attraction marketing in action. Now you see Greg attracted Jim at first glance without even trying because they were previous classmates in high school and were long time friends.

  Just like the example I gave above you too can attract people by winning them over with your personality. Most people are shy and find it uncomfortable to talk to strangers and to get out of their comfort zone. Come on guys wake up, its 2013 you need to get out there and tell the world who you are and that you have something to offer. Confidence is the key to being successful in online marketing. You must truly believe in what you are doing because how can people believe in something you don't believe in yourself? I just wanted to share a few tips with you and I hope after reading this you will implement what I have taught you into your daily marketing efforts.

To find out more about the Author Davin Wilson please visit: www.davinwilson.com